Get in touch

For advertising inquiries, please email [email protected]

All submissions please email [email protected]

For general editorial enquiries (not submissions) please email [email protected]

Whilst we try our best, we’re not able to respond to every email – apologies!  If you have a general enquiry check out our FAQ page where you may find your question is already answered.


We love submissions, but please understand that we may not be able to respond personally to every email.

If you would like to submit something to The Big Weekend, please follow these guidelines.

⋅ Please send low-res images.

⋅ Please include a bio or a little personal background about yourself / the business owners, in addition to your press release.

⋅ Please let us know if your product has been featured elsewhere online or in print – priority will be given to content which has not yet been covered elsewhere.

Please be aware we schedule most content weeks in advance – we will not be able to run a story within days of receiving your submission.